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Greetings, I would like to share with you the little knowledge I have acquired in the course of my studies in mathematics. This is my take on an excerpt from Mathematics for West Africa by J. C. Burkill and R. F. Carter which I think is quite interesting and worth learning about for people interested in higher level mathematics or who are looking to teach it at school level (particularly when higher level mathematics courses are unavailable). Higher level Mathematics is particularly interesting if you want to get a better insight into how mathematics works. It can become somewhat frustrating however, since not a lot of books of higher level Mathematics are available. This is what I am going to explore in this book : 1. Equations of linear and non linears forms. These include2. Equations of the form xy = c where one or both terms are irrational numbers, quadratic equations, cubic Equations and Equations involving radicals. 3. Equations involving Algebraic and transcendental functions.4. Equations of the form a(x+y +z)=05. Equation of the form a(x-y)=0 or a(x-a) = 0)6. Systems of equations where the equations are taken from different sources and contain constants, variables and combinations of both terms called unknowns with coefficients7. A few examples of reductions in equations8. Quadratic Equations9. Cubic Equations10. Quartic Equations11. Quintic Equations12. Non linear equations in one unknown (Quadratic, cubic, quartic and quintic equations)13. Non linear equations in two unknowns (quadratic, cubic, quartic and quintic equations) Non linear system of two equations in two unknowns with graph intersection14. Hyperbolic equations in one unknown15. Hyperbolic equations in two unknowns16. Elliptic equations in one unknown17. Elliptic equation in two unknowns18. Parabolic equations in one unknown19. Parabolic equation in two Unknowns20. Exponential and logarithmic functions, their graphs and how to find the equations of their graphs using tables or a calculator21. cfa1e77820